Make you sure you have created an email account in the DirectAdmin control panel. If you are unsure how to do this please refer to this tutorial: (will follow).
-Create an email account with directadmin
-Enter for pop3,imap and/or smtp in outlook.
-Enter your username and password in outlook.
-Enter the correct ports (995 for pop with ssl, 465 for smpth with ssl) in outlook at "more settings".
Outlook will provide the following steps when adding a new email account:
1) Choose service: Email account
2) Auto account setup: manual setup of additional server types
3) Choose service: pop3/imap
4)Pop and imap settings:
User Information
Your name: your name
Email Adress: emailadress you created earlier
Server information:
This information depends on the server you are on. In this example you are on You have received this information in the welcome email.
Account type: pop3
incoming mail server:
outgoing mail server:
Logon information:
Username: emailadress you created earlier
Password: password you created earlier
Because we are using secure SSL connections we need to change a few advanced settings
5) More settings
Outgoing server (second tab): enable checkbox "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication, Use same settings as my incomming mail server.
Advanced (third tab):
Incomming server Pop3: enable"This server requires an encrypted connection (SSL). Choose port 995.
Outgoing server (SMTP): Enter port 465 and select SSL as the "Use the following encrypted connection.
Port cheat sheet SSL:
- pop: 995
- imap: 993
- smpt: 465
Port cheat sheet without SSL (insecure)
- pop: 143
- imap: 993
- smtp: 587