Mailserver Pro1 offline (Resolved)
  • Priority - Critical
  • Affecting Server - Pro1
  • Pro1 is experiencing issues with sending mail. 


    Status: Starting maintenance

    Update 18:42: Server offline in order to resolve issue

    Update 19:40: Server back online

    Update 19:45: Problem solved

  • Date - 12/05/2021 18:49
  • Last Updated - 12/05/2021 19:47
Mail server Pro1 (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - Pro1
  • Several users are reporting issues with mail delivery and duplicate email on Pro1. 

    Update1 11:45: We are seeing a 50 times higher load than usual and will investigate. Mail server software was updated yesterday and is the likely cause

    Update2 12:02: Mail server software reinstalled, number of processes back to normal. Mail Queue was emptied (bounced). Problem should be resolved

  • Date - 23/12/2020 11:45 - 23/12/2020 15:01
  • Last Updated - 23/12/2020 15:01
Network slowdown Power1 and MyHostdeko (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting System - Power1, hostdeko services
  • One of our datacenter partners is reporting issues:

    Degraded network performance

    We are currently experiencing degraded network performance which could cause limited access to the service.

    Our team is working to identify the cause of this issue.

    We apologize for any inconvenience and will keep you updated as soon as more information is available.
    Oct 8, 16:21 CEST
    Websites appear online for the time being, directadmin/ftp/sftp/ssh connections seem affected.

  • Date - 08/10/2020 16:30 - 23/12/2020 12:03
  • Last Updated - 08/10/2020 16:33
Maintenance Power1 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting Server - Power1
  • We are shutting down power1 for a few minutes to create a new full system backup. Only affects power1, all other servers are unaffected.

    Phase1 backup

    • 0:59 shutdown
    • 0:01 boot
    • 0:03 booted

    Phase2 mainteance

    0:16 final reboot

  • Date - 21/09/2019 00:00 - 21/09/2019 00:18
  • Last Updated - 21/09/2019 00:17
Reboot servers (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • We have made some changes to our IPv6 compatability. We will be rebooting a few of our servers to update our fallback snapshots. Servers should only be down for a few minutes.

    Pro/Cloud: start at 3:13 complete at 3:15

    Nameserver: start at 3:08 complete at 3:13

    Power/Hostdeko services: start at 3:04 complete at 3:06


  • Date - 12/09/2019 02:51 - 12/09/2019 03:16
  • Last Updated - 12/09/2019 03:18
emergency maintenance (Resolved)
Layout bug Easyapp (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting Other - all servers
  • English:

    We have noticed that the Hostdeko Easyapp layout is not displaying correctly after the most recent update to the DirectAdmin control panel. We have contacted DirectAdmin to report this bug. Easyapp does function normally.

    Update: Supplier has confirmed the bug on their end, a hotfix has been provided. Problem solved.


    We hebben opgemerkt dat Hostdeko Easyapp layout problemen heeft wanneer een App wordt bekeken. Dit is vermoedelijk onstaan na een update van DirectAdmin van vannacht 3:14. Het probleem is gemeld bij DirectAdmin. Easyapp zelf functioneert normaal en is te gebruiken, het ziet er alleen een beetje raar uit.

    Update: leverancier heeft de bug bevestigd en wij hebben een hotfix ontvangen. Probleem opgelost.

  • Date - 15/08/2019 16:26 - 15/08/2019 17:34
  • Last Updated - 15/08/2019 17:34
Domain WHOIS update bug (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting System - MyHostdeko
  • Dutch: 
    Er zit momenteel een bug in MyHostdeko die voorkomt dat WHOIS gegevens van domeinen kan worden bijgewerkt. De fout is doorgegeven aan onze API partner en zal bij de volgende update worden opgelost. Aanpassen van WHOIS gegevens is mogelijk door een ticket te sturen naar

    Update: vanuit de leverancier is er een bugfix in de vorm van een nieuwe release aangeleverd we testen momenteel deze update.

    Update2: Opgelost!

    Excuses voor het ongemak en bedankt voor uw begrip!

    Currently it is not possibly to change your domain WHOIS info due to a bug in MyHostdeko relating to telephone input. We have reported the issue to our API partner. They will provide a fix in their next update. WHOIS info can be changed by sending a ticket to 

    Update: we have received a bug fix from the supplier in the form of a new release we are testing the update

    Update2: Solved!

    We apologize for any inconvenience caused!

  • Date - 27/07/2019 18:04 - 27/07/2019 18:24
  • Last Updated - 27/07/2019 18:26
Error 500 Cloud1 (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • Een aantal websites melden error 500. Er wordt onderzocht of dit aan de server ligt.

    update: opgelost

    Some websites are reporting error 500. We are investigating

  • Date - 26/11/2018 18:10 - 26/11/2018 21:10
  • Last Updated - 27/07/2019 18:26
Nameserver change (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting System - Nameserver
  • New server power1 will take over nameserver1 functionality from edon1. Therefore the IP of has been updated in both our A-records as in our registry. The changes can take up to 24 hours to completely propagate.

  • Date - 25/10/2018 18:12 - 26/10/2018 18:12
  • Last Updated - 27/07/2019 18:24
Timeout datacenter (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - Pro1
  • Server Pro1 reageert niet meer sinds 14:56. We hebben contact opgenomen met het datacenter en proberen het probleem zo spoedig mogelijk op te lossen

    Update 15:00 Datacenter bevestigd probleem aan hun kant zit
    Update 15:11: Datacenter reageert 'We zijn op de hoogte van de storing en zijn momenteel het probleem aan het onderzoeken. Binnen maximaal een half uur zullen wij je per e-mail een statusupdate geven. Onze excuses voor het ongemak'
    Update 15:32: Server pro1 is gemigreerd naar het failover cluster en alle diensten zijn weer online

    Excuses voor het ongemak.


    Server Pro1 is not responding since 14:56. We have contacted the datacenter to get the issue resolved as soon as possible.

    Update 15:00 Datacenter confirmed hardware issue
    Update 15:11 Response of datacenter: Translation: The datacenter is aware and will deliver an update within 30 minutes.
    Update 15:32 Server pro1 has migrated to the failover cluster all services are back online

    We apologize for the inconvenience. 

  • Date - 13/06/2018 14:56 - 13/06/2018 15:38
  • Last Updated - 13/06/2018 15:38
Maintenance April (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • *English see below*
    Op 28 Maart 2018 rond 00:45 voeren wij onderhoud uit aan Cloud servers

    Wat gebeurd er:

    • Wij updaten onze systemen

    Wij updaten onze systemen en maken een snapshot voor noodgevallen. Om te garanderen dat onze snapshots 100% accuraat zijn moeten wij tijdelijk de server uitschakelen. Hierdoor is er een korte geplande onderbreking. 

    Waarom gebeurd dit:

    Beveiligingsupdates zijn uitgebracht.

    Hoe heeft dit effect op mij (Cloud)

    • Uw website kan tot 45 minuten onbereikbaar zijn


    On January 29th 2018 around 00:45  we will performing maintenance on Cloud servers.

    What is happening:
    • We will be updating our systems

    We will refresh our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. 

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me (Cloud)

    • Your website could be offline for up to 45 minutes


  • Date - 28/03/2018 00:44 - 28/03/2018 01:47
  • Last Updated - 28/03/2018 01:27
Maintenance March 2018 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting Other - Pro + Cloud
  • *English see below*
    Op 7 Maart rond 21:00 voeren wij onderhoud uit aan Pro en Cloud servers in verband met een beveiligingupdate.

    Wat gebeurd er:

    • Wij updaten onze systemen

    Wij updaten onze systemen en maken een snapshot voor noodgevallen. Om te garanderen dat onze snapshots 100% accuraat zijn moeten wij tijdelijk de server herstarten. Hierdoor is er een korte geplande onderbreking. 

    Waarom gebeurd dit:

    Beveiligingsupdates zijn uitgebracht voor exim.

    Hoe heeft dit effect op mij?

    • Uw website kan tot 2 minuten onbereikbaar zijn


    On March 7th 2018 around 21:00  we will performing maintenance on Pro and Cloud servers.

    What is happening:
    • We will be updating our systems

    We will refresh our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. 

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me

    • Your website could be offline for up to 2 minutes


  • Date - 07/03/2018 21:00 - 13/06/2018 15:14
  • Last Updated - 07/03/2018 17:46
Google email bounce cloud1 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • Dutch:
    Wij hebben van twee klanten een melding gekregen dat mail verstuurd naar gmail direct terug komt. Dit betreft alleen server Cloud1. Een onderzoek is gestart.


    • Mogelijke oorzaak gevonden
    • Probleem opgelost bij user @ 16:36
    • Patch geschreven voor alle klanten @ 17:18

    De oplossing zit in de domein records en het kan 4 uur duren voordat hij voor iedereen effect heeft,

    We have have two users mentioning mail bouncing from We are investigating the cause.

    • possible cause found
    • issue fixed at first user @ 16:36
    • patch for all users implemented @ 17:18

    Because the patch targets domein records it can take 4 hours to propegate.

  • Date - 11/02/2018 15:20 - 12/02/2018 02:55
  • Last Updated - 11/02/2018 17:27
Cloud1 migration to new platform (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • At 7/02/2018 around 22:00 we will start to migrate all users to a new platform. This proces should be seamless and without downtime.

    What is happening?

    • Your hosting plan will be cloned to the new server
    • Old Cloud1 will be renamed to Cloudold
    • The new server will be renamed to Cloud1
    • Your website will soon be available from the new server
    How will this affect me?
    • If everything goes well there should be no downtime
    • It is possible your ISP is slow with DNS cache and this will make it harder to reach your mailbox
    I cannot reach my mailbox?
    • Within 4 to 24 hour start working automatically
    • If you need a temporary fix then please use to access your email
    • All clients moved: yes
    • Servers renamed: yes
    • All websites tested; yes
    • All installatron data synced 1:54
    • DNS propagation test: succes 

  • Date - 07/02/2018 22:21 - 08/02/2018 01:55
  • Last Updated - 08/02/2018 02:07
Pro1 migration to new platform (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting Server - Pro1
  • At 24/01/2018 around 21:00 we will start to migrate all users to a new platform. This proces should be seamless and without downtime.

    What is happening?

    • Your hosting plan will be cloned to the new server
    • Old Pro1 will be renamed to Pro2
    • The new server will be renamed to Pro1
    • Your website will soon be available from the new server
    How will this affect me?
    • If everything goes well there should be no downtime
    • It is possible your ISP is slow with DNS cache and this will make it harder to reach your mailbox
    I cannot reach my mailbox?
    • Within 4 to 24 hour start working automatically
    • If you need a temporary fix then please use to access your email
    • All clients moved @ 23;30
    • Servers renamed @ 23:30
    • All websites tested @ 1:30
    • All installatron data synced @ 2:00
    • DNS propagation test succes

  • Date - 24/01/2018 09:00 - 25/01/2018 23:15
  • Last Updated - 08/02/2018 02:06
iDeal payment status unknown (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting System - iDeal payments
  • Dutch:
    De nieuwste versie van onze iDeal integratie lijkt niet altijd goed terug te koppelen dat een factuur betaald is. Het probleem is aangemeld bij de ontwikkelaar en wij hebben een oude versie teruggezet. Facturen van klanten die hebben betaald worden handmatig als betaald gemarkeerd. Het kan dus enkele uren duren voordat uw betaling workt opgemerkt.

    Update 1/2/2018:
    Probleem is nu opgelost.

    It has come to our attention that some iDeal oayments are not correctly recognized as paid. We reported the issue to iDeal and reverted the latest update. Invoices that are not recognized as paid will be manually corrected.

    Update 1/2/2018:
    Probleem has been resolved.

  • Date - 24/01/2018 19:12 - 01/02/2018 16:00
  • Last Updated - 01/02/2018 16:06
Maintenance February 2018 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting System - Cloud and Pro
  • *English see below*
    Op 29 Januari 2018 rond 22:50 voeren wij onderhoud uit aan Pro en Cloud servers

    Wat gebeurd er:

    • Wij updaten onze systemen

    Wij updaten onze systemen en maken een snapshot voor noodgevallen. Om te garanderen dat onze snapshots 100% accuraat zijn moeten wij tijdelijk de server uitschakelen. Hierdoor is er een korte geplande onderbreking. 

    Waarom gebeurd dit:

    Beveiligingsupdates zijn uitgebracht.

    Hoe heeft dit effect op mij (Cloud)

    • Uw website kan tot 45 minuten onbereikbaar zijn
    How will this effect me (Pro)
    • Uw bereikbaar kan tot 2 minuten onbereikbaar zijn


    On January 29th 2018 around 22:50  we will performing maintenance on Pro and Cloud servers.

    What is happening:
    • We will be updating our systems

    We will refresh our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. 

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me (Cloud)

    • Your website could be offline for up to 45 minutes
    How will this effect me (Pro)
    • Your website could be offline for up to 2 minutes


  • Date - 29/01/2018 22:51 - 29/01/2018 23:30
  • Last Updated - 01/02/2018 16:05
Cloud1 emergency disk space upgrade (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • At 21/1/2018 Cloud1 disk space will be upgraded.

    What is happening?
    We will be upgrading the disk space.

    Why is this happening?
    We need more disk space to keep our server functional. We had an unexpected peak in data used by clients.

    How does this affect me?

    • Your website could be offline for up to 45 minutes if your website is located on cloud1

    Status: Completed
    Maintenance start: 15:03
    Maintenance end: 15:30
    Cloud1 back online: 15:30

    We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • Date - 21/01/2018 15:00 - 21/01/2018 15:30
  • Last Updated - 21/01/2018 16:26
Network maintenance Mantle/Spectre bug - Pro1 (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - Pro1
  • One of our datacenter suppliers is working to resolve the Mantle/Spectre vulnerabilities. They have accounced netwerk reboots that affect some of our servers today. 

    Pro1: 1/18/2018 @ 15:15

    The maximum downtime you can expect is one hour. Recent reboots were resolved within 5 minutes.

  • Date - 18/01/2018 15:15 - 18/01/2018 15:25
  • Last Updated - 18/01/2018 15:25
Network maintenance Mantle/Spectre bug - deko (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting Server - Deko1
  • One of our datacenter suppliers is working to resolve the Mantle/Spectre vulnerabilities. They have accounced netwerk reboots that affect some of our servers today. 

    Deko1: 1/18/2018 @ 10:45

    The maximum downtime you can expect is one hour. Recent reboots were resolved within 5 minutes.

  • Date - 18/01/2018 10:45 - 18/01/2018 11:00
  • Last Updated - 18/01/2018 13:09
Maintenance December 2016 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting Other - Pro and Cloud
  • On December 11th 2017 around 00:30 we will performing maintenance on Pro and Cloud servers.

    What is happening:

    • We will be updating our systems

    We will refresh our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes. 

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me

    • Your website could be offline for up to 45 minutes


  • Date - 11/12/2017 00:30 - 11/12/2017 01:31
  • Last Updated - 11/12/2017 00:35
MyHostdeko not sending email (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • Affecting System - MyHostdeko
  • English:

    What is happening?
    We noticed MyHostdeko was not sending emails. Upon further investigation the issue seems to exist since since 11/10/2017 10:25. 

    How does this affect me?
    You possibly missed emails from new invoices, payment reminders, ticket replies, etc.

    Temporary fixed by switchting to SMTP
    Fixed php mail functionality on deko1 server.

    We apologize for the inconvenience!


    Wat is er aan de hand?

    MyHostdeko blijkt geen mails naar klanten te sturen. Dit probleem lijkt sinds 11/10/2017 10:25 voor te komen. 
    Wat merk ik hiervan?
    U ontvangt sinds 11/10 mogelijk geen facturen, reacties op tickets en betaalherrineringen.

    Tijdelijke oplossing is geimplementeerd. 
    Definitieve oplossing gevonden.

    Excuses voor het ongemak!

  • Date - 04/11/2017 05:24 - 04/11/2017 06:53
  • Last Updated - 11/12/2017 00:34
Maintenance November 2017 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting System - Pro and Cloud
  • On November 4th 2017 around 05:30 we will be upgrading server Pro1 and performing maintenance on Pro and Cloud.

    What is happening:

    • We will be updating our systems

    We will refresh our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes. 

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me

    • Your website could be offline for up to 45 minutes


  • Date - 04/11/2017 05:36 - 04/11/2017 06:49
  • Last Updated - 04/11/2017 06:49
Maintenance September 2017 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting System - Pro and Cloud
  • On September 10th  2016 around 00:00 we will be upgrading server Pro1 and performing maintenance on Pro and Cloud.

    What is happening:

    • We will be updating our systems
    • We will be equiping server Pro1 with additional SSD storage space.

    We will refresh our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes. 

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me

    • Your website could be offline for up to 45 minutes
    • If your website is hosted on Pro1 it could be offline for up to 30 additional minutes

    Cloud servers:[done]:

    Offline snapshot start: 00:10
    Offline snapshot end: 0:35
    final reboot: 0:55
    Total downtime: 25 minutes 

    Pro servers:[done]:
    Starting migration:  00:02
    Finished migration: 00:23
    Offline snapshot start:  0:25
    Offline snapshot end: 0:55
    final reboot: 1:27
    Total downtime: 51 minutes 

  • Date - 10/09/2017 00:02 - 10/09/2017 01:29
  • Last Updated - 04/11/2017 06:49
Unusual slowdown on pro1 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting Server - Pro1
  • What is happening
    On September 27h around 11:00 GMT +1 we have identified high load on server Pro1.

    How will this effect me

    • If your website is located on Pro1 you may experience slower load times (up to 2 seconds)
    • We have rebooted the Pro1 server

    Why is this happening:

    • We have tracked the issue to a single user.
    Which actions will be taken
    • We will temporarily suspended the user and contacted the user to help resolve the issue
    • We will add additional cpu power to pro1
    • We will reboot pro1
    When will the issue be resolved
    Actions have been taken. Loads have returned to normal. The issue has now been resolved.

  • Date - 27/09/2017 11:30 - 27/09/2017 13:15
  • Last Updated - 27/09/2017 15:24
Maintenance August 2017 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting System - All servers
  • On July 30th around 23:45 GMT +1 we have scheduled maintenance.

    What is happening:

    • We will be updating our systems

    We will refresh our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes. 

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me

    • Your website could be offline for up to 45 minutes

    Cloud servers:[done]:

    Offline snapshot start: 00:05
    Offline snapshot end: 0:40
    Starting software updates (servers stay online): 0:40
    Second Offline snapshot start: 1:05
    Second snapshot end: 2:45
    final reboot: 2:45
    Total downtime: 90 minutes 

    Pro servers:[done]:
    Offline snapshot start:  00:05
    Offline snapshot end: 0:40
    Starting software updates (servers stay online): 0:40
    final reboot: 1:05
    Total downtime: 35 minutes 

  • Date - 30/07/2017 23:45 - 30/08/2017 02:45
  • Last Updated - 29/08/2017 15:56
Maintenance June 2017 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting System - All servers
  • On June 1st around 0:30 GMT +1 we have scheduled last minute maintenance.

    What is happening:

    • We will be updating our systems

    We will refresh our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes.

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me

    • Your website could be offline for up to 45 minutes

    Cloud servers:[complete]:
    Offline snapshot start: 0:12
    Offline snapshot end: 0:38
    Starting software updates (servers stay online): 0:40
    final reboot: 0:58
    Total downtime: 26 minutes 

    Pro servers:[complete]:
    Offline snapshot start: 0:12
    Offline snapshot end: 0:38
    Starting software updates (servers stay online): 0:40
    final reboot: 0:58
    Total downtime: 26 minutes 

  • Date - 01/06/2017 00:30 - 01/06/2017 01:00
  • Last Updated - 01/06/2017 00:59
Maintenance March (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • On March 20th around 23:00 GMT +1 we have scheduled last minute maintenance.

    What is happening:

    • We will be updating our systems

    We will refresh our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes.

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me

    • Your website could be offline for up to 30 minutes

    Cloud servers:[complete]:
    Offline snapshot start: 23:05
    Offline snapshot end: 23:28
    Starting software updates (servers stay online): 23:28
    final reboot: 00:02
    Total downtime: 24 minutes 

    Pro servers:[complete]:
    Offline snapshot start: 23:05
    Offline snapshot end: 23:24
    Starting software updates (servers stay online): 23:24
    final reboot: 00:02
    Total downtime: 20 minutes 

  • Date - 20/03/2017 23:00 - 21/03/2017 00:02
  • Last Updated - 01/06/2017 00:59
Scheduled Maintenance December + Antispam (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting System - Pro and Cloud
  • On December 29th around 22:15 GMT +1 we have scheduled maintenance.

    What is happening:

    • We will be updating our systems
    • Improvements to the antispam software will be implemented.

    We will refresh our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes.

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me

    • and will be offline for up to 30 minutes
    • Your website could be offline for up to 30 minutes

    Cloud servers:[complete]:
    Offline snapshot start: 22:16
    Offline snapshot end: 22:45
    Starting software updates (servers stay online): 22:47
    final reboot: 23:17
    Total downtime: 29 minutes 

    Pro servers:[complete]:
    Offline snapshot start: 22:16
    Offline snapshot end: 22:40
    Starting software updates (servers stay online): 22:45
    final reboot: 23:14
    Total downtime: 24 minutes 

  • Date - 29/12/2016 22:15 - 29/12/2016 23:19
  • Last Updated - 29/12/2016 23:19
Cloud1 storage upgrade (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • On December 26th 2016 around 22:15 we will be upgrading server Cloud1.

    What is happening:
    We will be equiping server Cloud1 with additional SSD storage space.

    Why is this happening:

    Due to an increase in client storage space requirements we need to expand the available storage capacity.

    How will this effect me

    • If your website is hosted on Cloud1 it could be offline for up to 10 minutes

    22:15 Starting upgrade, server offline
    22:25 Upgrade complete
    Total downtime: 10 minutes

  • Date - 26/12/2016 22:15 - 26/12/2016 22:25
  • Last Updated - 26/12/2016 22:25
Cloud 1 ram upgrade (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • On December 20th 2016 around 22:00 we will be upgrading server Cloud1.

    What is happening:
    We will be equiping server Cloud1 with additional RAM memory.

    Why is this happening:

    We noticed unexpected high loads on Cloud1 at 07:57 GMT+1 on December 20th 2016, this resulted in same ram swapping which slows down the server. To ensure optimal performance for we felt it was necessary to add additional memory.

    How will this effect me

    • If your website is hosted on Cloud1 it could be offline for up to 10 minutes

    22:15 Starting upgrade, server offline
    22:16 Start migration to new hardware
    22:21 Migration complete
    Total downtime: 6 minutes

  • Date - 20/12/2016 22:15
  • Last Updated - 20/12/2016 22:25
Scheduled Maintenance October (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting System - Cloud and Pro
  • On October 22th around 21:30 GMT +1 we have scheduled maintenance.

    What is happening:
    We will be updating our systems and at the same time refreshing our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes. 

    Why is this happening:

    Security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates,

    How will this effect me

    • and will be offline for up to 30 minutes
    • Your website could be offline for up to 30 minutes
    Cloud servers:[complete]:
    Offline snapshot start: 21:29
    Offline snapshot end: 21:36
    Starting software updates (servers stay online): 21:36
    final reboot: 21:58
    Total downtime: 8 minutes 

    Pro servers:[complete]:
    Offline snapshot start: 21:29
    Offline snapshot end: 21:42
    Starting software updates (servers stay online): 21:44
    final reboot: 22:19
    Total downtime: 14 minutes 

  • Date - 22/10/2016 21:30 - 22/10/2016 22:19
  • Last Updated - 22/10/2016 22:19
Scheduled Maintenance September (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • On September 6th around 20:00 GMT +1 we have scheduled maintenance.

    What is happening:
    We will be updating our systems and at the same time refreshing our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes. 

    Why is this happening:

    Important security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates as soon as possible,

    How will this effect me

    • and will be offline for up to 20 minutes
    • Your website could be offline for up to 20 minutes
    Round1: Safety [complete]
    Offline snapshot start: 20:07
    Offline snapshot end: 20:40
    Total downtime: 33 minutes 

    Round2: Updates [scheduled]
    Starting software updates (servers stay online during updates): 20:55
    All Pro servers updated, rebooting: 21:11
    All Cloud servers updated, rebooting: 21:12
    All Private* servers updated, rebooting: 21:12

    Total downtime: 1 minute

    *Private1 maintenance delayed due to client complaint.

  • Date - 06/09/2016 20:00 - 06/09/2016 21:13
  • Last Updated - 06/09/2016 21:13
Scheduled Maintenance July (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • On July 14th around 22:15 GMT +1 we have scheduled maintenance. We will also be updating Easy Update on Pro1.

    What is happening:
    We will be updating our systems and at the same time refreshing our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes. 

    Why is this happening:

    Important security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates as soon as possible,

    How will this effect me

    • MyHostdeko will be offline for 2 minutes
    • and will be offline for up to 20 minutes
    • Your website could be offline for up to 20 minutes
    Round1: Safety [complete]
    Offline snapshot start: 21:58 
    Offline snapshot end: 22:24 (node1 5 minute delay)
    Total downtime: 26 minutes 

    Round2: Updates [complete]
    Starting software updates: 22:25
    All Pro and Private servers updated, rebooting: 23:05
    All Node servers updated, rebooting: 23:05
    Total downtime: 1 minute

    Round3: Pro1 [complete]
    Extra maintenance to Easy Update on Pro1
    Offline snapshot start: 23:28
    Offline snapshot end: 23:52 
    Total downtime: 24 minutes 
    Starting software update: 23:56
    Rebooting Pro1: 0:52

  • Date - 22/07/2016 21:58 - 15/07/2016 00:52
  • Last Updated - 06/09/2016 17:55
Updating Hostdeko Easy update on Node1 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • We will be updating Hostdeko Easy update on server node1. This update is a bugfix so it will be implemented as soon as possible. 

    4:19 Update complete
    4:19 Starting offline snapshot for security
    4:35 offline snapshot finished

  • Date - 02/07/2016 03:11 - 02/07/2016 04:35
  • Last Updated - 02/07/2016 04:33
High load on Pro1 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • Unusual high load detected on Pro 1 server. From 0.15 to 1.17. Investigation shows two websites are enduring brute force wordpress login attempts. Trying to deflect the attack right now.


    • Blocked the offending IP, which reduced load
    • Implemented new wp-login.php password popup on the two websites that were spammed.
    • Implemented xmlrpc.php block on the two websites that were spammed.
    • Load reduced to 0.19.

  • Date - 20/06/2016 00:13 - 20/06/2016 01:02
  • Last Updated - 20/06/2016 00:55
Scheduled Maintenance June (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • On June 11th around 22:00 GMT +1 we have scheduled maintenance.

    What is happening:
    We will be updating our systems and at the same time refreshing our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes. 

    Why is this happening:

    Important security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates as soon as possible,

    How will this effect me

    • MyHostdeko will be offline for 2 minutes
    • and will be offline for up to 20 minutes
    • Your website could be offline for up to 20 minutes
    Round1: Safety
    Offline snapshot start: 22:47
    Offline snapshot end: 23:05
    Total downtime: 18 minutes

    Round2: Updates
    Starting software updates: 23:05
    All Pro and Private servers updated, rebooting: 23:33
    All Node servers updated, rebooting: 23:36
    Total downtime: less than 1 minute

  • Date - 11/06/2016 22:45 - 11/06/2016 23:36
  • Last Updated - 11/06/2016 23:42
Scheduled Maintenance May and update to PHP 7 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Monthly maintenance will be combined with an upgrade tot PHP 7.0. Maintenance can take longer than usually and will therefore be scheduled earlier in the evening. More details regarding PHP 7.0 will be send in the next newsletter by email.

    Maintenance log

    MyHostdeko: Completed 
    Completed at 15-5-2016 19:10, scheduled downtime: 4 minutes.

    Node X: Completed
    Offline snapshots started, server offline @ 19:30
    Offline snapshots finished, server online @ 19:42
    Starting maintenance @19:42
    Starting update tot php7 @20:07
    Update to php7 finished @ 20:22
    Offline snapshot started, server offline @ 20:51
    Offline snapshot finished, server online @ 21:03
    Maintenance completed at 15-5-2016 21:03.
    Total scheduled downtime: 24 minutes.

    Pro X: Completed
    Offline snapshots started, server offline @ 23:28
    Offline snapshots finished, server online @ 23:48
    Starting maintenance @ 23:49
    Maintenance completed @ 0:03
    Maintenance extended @ 0:10
    Installing php7 as secondary php version @ 0:10
    Finished, testing installation @ 0:31
    Done fixing issues @2:19
    Offline snapshot started, server offline @ 2:20
    Offline snapshots finished, server online @ 2:38
    Maintenance completed at 16-5-2016 2:38
    Total scheduled downtime: 38 minutes.

  • Date - 15/05/2016 19:00 - 16/05/2016 02:39
  • Last Updated - 11/06/2016 15:17
Scheduled Maintenance April (Resolved)
  • Priority - High
  • On April 13th around 15:00 GMT +1 we have scheduled large maintenance.

    What is happening:
    We will be updating our systems and at the same time refreshing our system snapshots used for emergency recovery. To make sure our snapshots are 100% accurate we will temporarily power down the servers. Unfortunately this means we will have a few minutes of scheduled downtime. This process should take no longer than 20 minutes. 

    Why is this happening:

    Important security updates have been released. Due to the nature of these security issues Hostdeko felt it was important to schedule in these updates as soon as possible,

    How will this effect me

    • MyHostdeko will be offline for 2 minutes
    • and will be offline for up to 20 minutes
    • Your website could be offline for up to 20 minutes

  • Date - 13/04/2016 15:00 - 13/04/2016 15:44
  • Last Updated - 11/06/2016 15:16
Nightly offline snapshots for all servers (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting System - All servers
  • We have identified and fixed an issue with Hostdeko's Easy Update system (Installatron). Additionally some modification to our firewalls were made.

    Per our safety and security policy we will be creating new offline snapshots with all server configuration changes. This will prevent unnecesary downtime in the future. 

    Downtime will be happening at 4am and will take no longer than 20 minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and hope to return to our regular monthly service intervals as soon as possible.

  • Date - 22/05/2016 04:00 - 22/05/2016 12:16
  • Last Updated - 22/05/2016 04:03
Nightly offline snapshots for all servers (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting System - All servers
  • As a result of the PHP 7.0 introduction we corrected some minor flaws in the OpCache configuration. These issues were addressed.

    Per our safety and security policy we will be creating new offline snapshots with all server configuration changes. This will prevent unnecesary downtime in the future. 

    We hope that we now have addressed all issues resulting from the introduction of PHP 7.0. However, we will keep monitoring our servers and take action when needed.

  • Date - 17/05/2016 05:00 - 17/05/2016 05:20
  • Last Updated - 17/05/2016 05:07
Node1 storingsverslag / outage report (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting Server - Cloud1
  • Dutch: Voor Nederlands zie onderaan


    On April 18th around 23:00 we noticed a potential issue for clients located at server node1.

    Who is affected:
    The issue is specific. In order to notice it the following conditions must apply

    1. your website is located on node1
    2. your visitor has not visited your website in the last 24 hours before  15:00 on 18-4-2016.
    3. your visitor visited your website between 19:45 and 23:00 on 18-4-2016

    What is happening
    When all three conditions apply the visitor would be forwarded to a copy of your website located on This server was shut down around 20:00 making your website unavailable for those visitors.

    What has caused the issue
    To expand our capacity we launched a new server based on a clone of node1. This server was pushing it's own DNS records into our primary nameserver between 19:45 and 20:00. 

    How will the issue be solved
    The issue is currently solved. The correct DNS records have been restored. Server Node2 will no longer be overwriting records into the database. To ensure a flawless transition we will be running a copy of all websites located on node1 for the coming 24 hours.

    Op 18 april rond 23:00 hebben wij een potentieel probleem vastgesteld voor klanten op server node1.

    Voor wie speelt het probleem
    Het probleem is heel erg specifiek. De volgende voorwaarden moeten elk van toepassing zijn

    1. uw website bevindt zich op node1
    2. uw bezoeker heeft uw website niet in de laatste 24 uur voorafgaand aan 15:00 op 18-4-2016 bezocht
    3. uw bezoeker heeft uw website bezocht tussen 19:45 en 23:00 op 18-4-2016

    Wat is er aan de hand

    Indien alle 3 de condities van toepassing zijn dan heeft de bezoeker een verkeerd IP adres ontvangen van de nameserver. De bezoeker werd hierdoor doorgestuurd naar een kopie van uw website op Uw website werkt op dat moment nog prima. Deze doorverwijzing was bij Hostdeko niet bekend. Deze experimentele server werd dan ook rond 20:00 uitgeschakeld. Hierdoor werd vanaf dat moment voor een select aantal bezoekers uw website onbereikbaar.

    Wat heeft het probleem veroorzaakt

    Om onze capaciteit uit te breiden hebben wij een clone van node1 gemaakt genaamd node2. Deze server heeft onterrecht zijn DNS records met zijn ip adres naar onze nameservers doorgestuurd. 

    Genomen maatregelen
    De correcte DNS records zijn teruggezet. Het probleem met node2 is aangepakt. Nieuwe bezoekers worden dus weer naar node1 doorgestuurd. Voor de zekerheid zal onze server node2 de komende 24 uur met een kopie van uw website blijven draaien.

    Het probleem is dus opgelost.

  • Date - 18/04/2016 20:00 - 18/04/2016 23:58
  • Last Updated - 18/04/2016 23:41
Server ram upgrade (Resolved)
  • Priority - Medium
  • Affecting Server - Pro1
  • On Apri 18th 2016 around 2:30 we will be upgrading server Pro1.

    What is happening:
    We will be equiping server Pro1 with additional RAM memory.

    Why is this happening:

    To ensure the best performance for our growing client base we felt it was best to add additional memory.

    How will this effect me

    • and will be offline for up to 10 minutes
    • If your website is hosted on Pro 1 it could be offline for up to 10 minutes

    2:30 Maintenance started
    2:36 Maintenance completed

  • Date - 18/04/2016 02:30 - 18/04/2016 02:40
  • Last Updated - 18/04/2016 23:34
Scheduled replacement nameserver1 (Resolved)
  • Priority - Low
  • Affecting System - ns1
  • Scheduled replacement Nameserver NS1

    Server NS1 will be replaced as scheduled on 19/09/2015.


    Your websites will not be affected.

    Additional information:

    Our new server is faster (3.2 Ghz instead of 2.6 Ghz), has more disk space and a much faster storage layer. The ip will change from to Although these changes have already been applied it can take up to 24 hours for the "world" to recognize the new IP address. 


    • Update 19/9/2015 @ 1:27: Move completed.
    • Update 19/9/2015 @ 1:28: Waiting for Global DNS propagation before shutting down
    • Update 20/9/2015 @ 1:09: Parent nameservers are still serving
    • Update 21/9/2015 @ 1:57: Parent nameservers are still serving Keeping the old nameserver online longer.
    • Update 21/9/2015 @ 20:10: Contacted parent nameservers and corrected the issue. Extending maintenance window by 48 hours>23-9-2015@20:11.
    • Update 24/9/2015 @ 2:30: Parent nameservers are still serving
    • Update 24/9/2015 @ 3:00: Parent nameservers are now serving Ending maintenance.
    Service was not affected during this maintenance interval.

  • Date - 19/09/2015 03:26 - 24/09/2015 03:01
  • Last Updated - 24/09/2015 03:03