Do you own a .nl domain that is registered at another company? Then we have good news for you! It is now possible to transfer your domain to Hostdeko, free of charge!

How can a transfer be free?

Hostdeko has reached an agreement with SIDN, de foundation behind .nl, we receive the number of days you already payed for. 

How does it work?

Let's say you registered a domain on 10/2/2015 and you payed for a year. That means it is valid till 10/2/2016. If you want to transfer earlier then ususally you would have double cost. Hower now you can transfer for free and we use the original expiration date. You will receive an invoice 30 days before that expiration date and that's it.

Do I need an additional hosting plan?

That depends on what you plan to do with the domain:
  • Domain parking: free, your domain will display an Hostdeko logo.
  • Custom nameservers: free, use MyHostdeko.
  • Forwarding: 2 euro anually with a DNS Management plan.
  • Additional website: Depends on your plan. Pro hosting plans allow the installation of websites on 3 different domains, support for additional domains can be purchased. Fast hosting clients van ask sales.

What are you waiting for?

Move your .nl domain to Hostdeko with MyHostdeko.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

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