Need extra help with your services? We are here for you
Standard fees for frequently recurring extra support. Custom offers available through sales. For small changes we recommend prepaid support.
We will install a clean WordPress including Let's Encrypt SSL Security.
Secure an existing WordPress installation with SSL. We will create a b ackup, install a (free) SSL certificate, convert your website to use HTTPs. Inclused a free let's encrypt certificate and 30 minutes of troubleshooting.
Need your website transferred? We can help you import, copy, duplicate, clone, etc.
Maximum of 30 minutes applies
Forgot to make backups? We can use our backup archive to do a full account restore from backups up to 12 months old.
Infected with malware? We can execute a cleanup or a recovery from our offsite archive.
You need your mail copied to a new hosting plan? We can take care of that
-we will test the login provided
-we will create new mailboxes if required
-we will duplicate all mail from A to B
-we will login and check if all mail has arrive
-if required we will run one additional sync so you won't miss any important mails during a domain transfer
Up to one hour of remote support using Anydesk to solve any IT related issue.
We will connect to your computer remotely and configure and test Microsoft outlook to connect with an email account of your hosting plan.